There are many variations of passages
Welcome to AAYUSH-MH Naturopathy is a drugless non-invasive rational and evidence based system of medicine imparting treatments with natural elements based on the Theory of vitality, theory of toxemia, theory of self healing capacity of the body and the principles of healthy living. The applied aspects of Naturopathy includes mainly fasting and diet supported by treatments with natural elements which includes Hydrotherapy, Chromotherapy, Mud Therapy, Manipulative therapy, Electrotherapy, Acupuncture, Magnetotherapy, Physiotherapy, Exercise & Yoga Therapy. Most Institutes have 6 to 12 months training programs (Classroom & LAB ), yet at the end of it , most students find themselves jobless . The prime reason is that these courses are not designed to make the students Industry acceptable.
Ayurveda means ‘Science of Life’. It deals with each and every aspect of human life. It’s first objective is to maintain the health and happiness while the next is to manage and restore the status of health and productive state of mind. Ayurveda offers wonderful tools for better life style. It gives equal importance to our body, mind and soul ; therefore works with holistic approach.
YOGAThe concepts and practices of Yoga originated in India about several thousand years ago. Its founders were great Saints and Sages. The great Yogis presented rational interpretation of their experiences of Yoga and brought about a practical and scientifically sound method within every one’s reach. Yoga today, is no longer restricted to hermits, saints, and sages; it has entered into our everyday lives and has aroused a worldwide awakening and acceptance in the last few decades. The science of Yoga and its techniques have now been reoriented to suit modern sociological needs and lifestyles. Experts of various branches of medicine including modern medical sciences are realizing the role of these techniques in the prevention and mitigation of diseases and promotion of health.
We have top three job oriented courses
Naturopathy is a drugless non-invasive rational and evidence based system of medicine imparting treatments with natural elements based on the Theory of vitality, theory of toxemia, theory of self healing capacity of the body and the principles of healthy living. The applied aspects of Naturopathy includes mainly fasting and diet supported by treatments with natural elements which includes Hydrotherapy, Chromotherapy, Mud Therapy, Manipulative therapy, Electrotherapy, Acupuncture, Magnetotherapy, Physiotherapy, Exercise & Yoga Therapy
The word "ayu" means life and "Veda" means knowledge. So Ayurveda means knowledge of life. It is said in Charak Samhita .ayurvedacourse life is combination of body, senses mind and spirit "
So we can not consider health as only physical fitness. Health also means the tranquility of mind, control of senses and smile of spirit.
Ayurveda also says about one's lifespan and usefulness of one's life for the society.
Ayurveda gives us knowledge about factors responsible for happy life.